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Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit

Lehrstuhl für Food Supply Chain Management - Prof. Dr. Christian Fikar

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CFI PB300891 Kopie square Christian Fikar
CFI PB300891 Kopie square

Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit
Food Supply Chain Management

Akademischer Werdegang
Christian Fikar ist Professor für Food Supply Chain Management an der Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit am Campus in Kulmbach. Er beschäftigt sich in seiner Forschung mit betriebswirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen in Lebensmittelwertschöpfungsketten, vor allem in Bezug auf zeitkritische Logistikprozesse und der Bereitstellung von computerbasierter Entscheidungsunterstützung.

Er hat Supply Chain Management an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien studiert und anschließend an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien promoviert und habilitiert. Seine wissenschaftliche Arbeit führte er anschließend an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien weiter bevor er den Ruf an die Universität Bayreuth annahm. Während seines Studiums und seiner Forschungstätigkeiten absolvierte er mehrere Aufenthalte im Ausland, vor allem in den USA, Taiwan, Spanien und Finnland.

CFI PB300891 Kopie square

Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit
Food Supply Chain Management

Schwerpunkte in Lehre und Forschung
Die methodischen Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich Operations Research, Operations Management und Business Analytics mit dem Ziel, Resilienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Effizienz von Lebensmittelwertschöpfungsketten zu steigern. So werden bspw. die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Logistikentscheidungen im Lebensmittelversandhandel erforscht. Dies ermöglicht einerseits effizientere Prozesse und kann anderseits zu einer Reduktion von Lebensmittelabfällen beitragen. Der Fokus liegt hierbei vor allem auf Short Food Supply Chains, daher regionale Lieferketten mit dem Ziel diese Netzwerke in Oberfranken zu analysieren und durch die Lehre und Forschung nachhaltig zu fördern.

CFI PB300891 Kopie square

Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit
Food Supply Chain Management



Florian Cramer, Christian Fikar: Modeling sustainable crowd logistics delivery networks : A scoping systems thinking review. In: Sustainability Analytics and Modeling, (2025). - .

Christine Mendoza Pardo, Christian Fikar: Impact of digital logistics platforms to facilitate more regional food in the hospitality sector and communal catering. In: The International Journal of Logistics Management, 36 (2025). - S. 413-432.

Philipp Loacker, Siegfried Pöchtrager, Christian Fikar, Wolfgang Grenzfurtner: Process mining-enhanced quality management in food processing industries. In: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 74 (2025). - S. 1326-1346.


Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Parisa Tizghadam, Tim Gruchmann: Production line balancing and reconfiguration in food industry : A simulation study from a baked goods manufacturer. - (speechpap), Veranstaltung: 6th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, 20.-22. November 2024, Prague.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Elena Pichler, Manfred Gronalt: Increasing the output of mixed-model assembly lines for industrialised housebuilding : learnings from a case-based simulation study. In: International Journal of Production Research, (2024). - S. 1-16.

Florian Cramer, Christian Fikar: Providing decision support for mobile stores : An evaluation of location choice policies. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 7th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Retail Operations, 18.09.2024 - 20.09.2024, Vienna, Austria.

Florian Cramer, Christian Fikar: Optimizing Location Choices for Mobile Stores : Policies for Location Selection. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: OR 2024 – International Conference on Operations Research 2024, 03.-06. September 2024, München.

Christine Mendoza Pardo, Christian Fikar: The Role of Digital Logistics Platforms for Regional Food Supply : A System Dynamics Approach. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: OR 2024 – International Conference on Operations Research 2024, 03.-06. September 2024, München.

Philipp Loacker, Siegfried Pöchtrager, Christian Fikar: Discrete-event simulation to analyse the impacts of a reduced minimum order quantity in the food industry : proposing a shared-savings contract. In: Journal of Simulation, (2024). - .

Florian Cramer, Nathan Kunz, Wolfgang Grenzfurtner: Alleviating the lack of access to groceries through mobile retail stores : an analysis of operational concepts. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 31st EurOMA Conference : “Transforming people and processes for a better world”, 29. June - 03. July 2024, Sant Cugat.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Frida Betto: Performance management practices to continuously improve the productivity of industrialised housebuilding order fulfilment processes. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 31st EurOMA Conference : “Transforming people and processes for a better world”, 29. June - 03. July 2024, Sant Cugat.

Suad Saliju, Christian Fikar, Christine Mendoza Pardo, Claudia Paciarotti: Simulation Optimization-based Decision Support System to Enable More Local Food in the Gastronomy Sector. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, 30.06.-03.07.2024, Kopenhagen.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: A value stream mapping approach to align the prefab housebuilding supply chain. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 31st EurOMA Conference : “Transforming people and processes for a better world”, 29. June - 03. July 2024, Sant Cugat.

Christine Mendoza Pardo, Christian Fikar: Facilitating System Dynamics to Analyze Digital Logistics Platforms for Regional Food Supply. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, 30.06.-03.07.2024, Kopenhagen.

Adhurim Imeri, Christian Fikar, Gerald Reiner: Depleting grocery stores through integrated operations and customer nudging management. - (speechpap), Veranstaltung: Twenty-third International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 14.-18. Feb. 2024, Innsbruck, Austria.

Tim Gruchmann, Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Axel Salzmann: From inside the cabin : truck drivers' technology acceptance of driving assistance systems. In: Logistics Research, 17 (2024). - .

Florian Cramer, Christian Fikar: Investigating crowd logistics platform operations for local food distribution. In: International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 52 (2024). - S. 836-855.

Maria Anna Gartner, Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Barbara Zauner, Manfred Gronalt: Job and product rotation for maximising the production output on multi mixed-model assembly lines for element prefabrication in industrialised housebuilding. In: Computers & Industrial Engineering, 190 (2024). - .


Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Leistungsmanagement im Fertighausbau : Stand der Technik des Managements der Baustellenleistung - Erkenntnisse aus einer Mehrfallstudie. In: Christian Hofstadler, Christoph Motzko (Hrsg.): Agile Digitalisierung im Baubetrieb : Innovative Wege zur Transformation und Best Practices. 2. Auflage. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, 2023. - S. 605-621.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Elena Pichler, Manfred Gronalt: Increasing the output of prefab production lines : simulation aid to guide the improvement process. In: Michael Affenzeller, Agostino G. Bruzzone, Emilio Jimenez, Francesco Longo, Antonella Petrillo (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 35th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2023). - Athens, Greece : 2023. - S. 199-212.

Florian Cramer, Christian Fikar: Simulation optimization to investigate the potential of mobile food hubs and crowd logistics to facilitate product adoption in short food supply chain. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: OR 2023 - International Conference on Operations Research 2023, 29.08. - 01.09.23, Hamburg, Germany.

Suad Saliju, Christian Fikar: Simulation Optimization to Evaluate the Effects of Horizontal Cooperation on the Resilience of Short Food Supply Chains. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: OR 2023 - International Conference on Operations Research 2023, 29.08. - 01.09.23, Hamburg, Germany.

Florian Cramer, Christian Fikar: Understanding The Status Quo of Crowd Logistics System Robustness. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: POMS International Conference 2023, 18.07.2023-20.07.2023, Paris.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Susanne Baldermann, Felicitas-Michele Litzel, Maria Lanvermann, Celine Schlüßler, Christian Fikar: Analysing food loss in a regional vegetable supply chain from an operation management perspective. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 30th EurOMA Conference : “A Systems Lens on Operations”, 01.-06. July 2023, Leuven.

Christian Fikar: Enabling sustainable logistics operations to provide more local food in restaurants. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 4th Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains, 30.06. - 01.07.2023, Hagen.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Martin Rudberg, Kristina Loike, Richard Mayrhofer, Manfred Gronalt: Industrialized housebuilding business strategies and the design of performance management systems. In: Production Planning & Control, 34 (2023). - S. 1178-1191.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Martin Rudberg: Performance Management Collaboration Between Companies Involved in the Industrialised Housebuilding Order Fulfilment Process. In: Erlend Alfnes, Anita Romsdal, Jan Ola Strandhagen, Gregor von Cieminski, David Romero (Hrsg.): Advances in Production Management Systems : Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures. - Cham : Springer, 2023. - S. 199-212.

Christian Fikar, Björn Johansson, Karsten Beyer, Marvin Auf der Landwehr: Perishables. In: Sigrid Wenzel, Markus Rabe, Steffen Strassburger, Christoph von Viebahn (Hrsg.): Energy-Related Material Flow Simulation in Production and Logistics. - Cham, Schweiz : Springer, 2023. - S. 141-177.


Florian Cramer, Christian Fikar: Simulating the impact of occasional drivers on food distribution in alternative food networks. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: International Conference on Operations Research - OR 2022, 06.-09.09.2022, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Suad Saliju, Christian Fikar: Simulation Model to Assess the Impact of Demand Disruptions in Short Food Supply Chains. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: International Conference on Operations Research - OR 2022, 06.-09.09.2022, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Florian Cramer, Christian Fikar: Sustainable Distribution in Alternative Food Networks : Evaluating the Potential of Crowd Logistics. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 32nd EURO Conference, 03.-06. July 2022, Espoo, Finland.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Tina Bartelmeß, Constanze Betz, Christian Fikar: Health conditions of truck drivers and their impact on the food supply chain resilience. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 29th EurOMA Conference : "Brilliance in resilience: operations and supply chain management’s role in achieving a sustainable future", 01.-06. July 2022, Berlin, Germany.

Suad Saliju, Christian Fikar: A Hybrid Simulation Model to Facilitate Resilience in Short Food Supply Chains. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 32nd EURO Conference, 03.-06. July 2022, Espoo, Finland.

Christian Fikar: Operations research models for sustainable food deliveries. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Lecture series of the Research Institute for Supply Chain Management (WU Vienna), 10.01.2022, Vienna, Austria.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Leistungsmanagement im Fertighausbau : Stand der Technik des Managements der Baustellenleistung. In: Christian Hofstadler, Christoph Motzko (Hrsg.): Agile Digitalisierung im Baubetrieb : Grundlagen, Innovationen, Disruptionen und Best Practices. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, 2022. - S. 411-426.

Mohammadmehdi Hakimifar, Burcu Balcik, Christian Fikar, Vera Hemmelmayr, Tina Wakolbinger: Evaluation of field visit planning heuristics during rapid needs assessment in an uncertain post-disaster environment. In: Annals of Operations Research, 319 (2022). - S. 517-558.

Claudia Paciarotti, Giovanni Mazzuto, Francesco Torregiani, Christian Fikar: Locally produced food for restaurants : a theoretical approach for the supply chain network design. In: International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 50 (2022). - S. 164-183.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Martin Rudberg, Richard Mayrhofer, Kristina Loike, Manfred Gronalt: Performance measurement and management practices of on-site activities in industrialized housebuilding. In: Construction Management and Economics, 40 (2022). - S. 239-253.

Florian Cramer, Christian Fikar: Simulating the Viability of Crowd Logistics in Short Food Supply Chains. In: Felix Breitenecker, Christina Deatcu, Umut Durak, Andreas Körner, Thorsten Pawletta (Hrsg.): ASIM SST 2022 : Proceedings Kurzbeiträge. - Wien : ARGESIM, 2022. - S. 17-20.

Magdalena Leithner, Christian Fikar: A simulation model to investigate impacts of facilitating quality data within organic fresh food supply chains. In: Annals of Operations Research, 314 (2022). - S. 529-550.


Wolfgang Grenzfurtner:Continuous improvement within industrialised housebuilding on-site production. - Wien: EPub Universität für Bodenkultur, 2021. - IX, 128 S.
(Dissertation, 2021, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien)

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Martin Rudberg, Manfred Gronalt: Collaboration in performance management across industrialised housebuilding supply chains. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Logistics Research Network Conference 2021 'Sustainable and resilient supply chains in disruptive times', 08.-10. Sept. 2021, Cardiff, UK.

Martin Waitz, Andreas Mild, Gerald Reiner, Christian Fikar: Dynamic pricing for the operations of an e-grocer. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: EURO 2021, 11.-14.07.2021, Athens, Greece , online.

Christian Fikar, Kris Braekers: A bi-objective solution procedure to investigating trade-offs between travel costs and quality losses during urban food deliveries. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: EURO 21, 11.-14.07.2021, Athens, Greece, online.

Adhurim Imeri, Christian Fikar, Gerald Reiner: A multi-objective solution approach to assess the trade-off between packaging, food waste and environmental impact in grocery retailing. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: EURO 2021, 11.-14.07.2021, Athens, Greece, online.

Adhurim Imeri, Christian Fikar, Gerald Reiner: Food supply chain collaboration towards reducing waste in grocery retail chains. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 28th EurOMA Conference, 05.-07.07.2021, online.

Russell Harpring, Amin Maghsoudi, Christian Fikar, Wojciech D. Piotrowicz, Graham Heaslip: An analysis of compounding factors of epidemics in complex emergencies : a system dynamics approach. In: Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 11 (2021). - S. 198-226.

Maria Anna Huka, Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Barbara Zauner, Manfred Gronalt: Capacity planning of a mixed-model assembly line for prefabricated housebuilding elements. In: Procedia Computer Science, 180 (2021). - S. 706-713.

Barbara Kump, Christian Fikar: Challenges of maintaining and diffusing grassroots innovations in alternative food networks : A systems thinking approach. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 317 (2021). - .

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Continuous improvement of the industrialised housebuilding order fulfilment process. In: Construction Innovation, 21 (2021). - S. 22-39.

Christian Fikar, Magdalena Leithner: A decision support system to facilitate collaborative supply of food cooperatives. In: Production Planning & Control, 32 (2021). - S. 1179-1190.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Developing a continuous improvement perspective for subcontractor involvement in the industrialised housebuilding supply chain. In: Supply Chain Management : An International Journal, 26 (2021). - S. 174-191.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Disclosing improvement potentials on construction sites in industrialised housebuilding. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 37th ARCOM Conference, 06.-07.09.2021, Glasgow, UK.

Christian Fikar, Andreas Mild, Martin Waitz: Facilitating consumer preferences and product shelf life data in the design of e-grocery deliveries. In: European Journal of Operational Research, 294 (2021). - S. 976-986.


Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Kristina Loike, Manfred Gronalt: Collaboration with suppliers in construction supply chain planning : analysis of different approaches to waste reduction. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Logistics Research Network Conference 2020 'Sustainable and resilient supply chains during times of crises', 09.-11. Sept. 2020, Cardiff, UK.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Richard Mayrhofer, Martin Rudberg, Kristina Loike, Manfred Gronalt: Analysing effects of industrialised housebuilding companies' production principles on applied performance management : a multiple-case study. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 36th ARCOM Conference, 07.-08.09.2020, Glasgow, UK.

Sonja Maria Protic, Christian Fikar, Jana Voegl, Manfred Gronalt: Analysing the impact of value added services at intermodal inland terminals. In: International Journal of Logistics : Research and Applications, 23 (2020). - S. 159-177.

Christian Fikar: Model-driven decision support to facilitate efficient fresh food deliveries. In: Die Bodenkultur : Journal of Land Management, Food and Environment, 71 (2020). - S. 1-9.


Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Performance measurement of industrialized housebuilding on-site activities : a qualitative study to identify improvement potential through digitalization. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 25th IUFRO World Congress, 29.09. - 05.10.2019, Curitiba, Brasil.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Richard Mayrhofer, Martin Rudberg, Manfred Gronalt: Performance management systems and practices in an industrialised housebuilding on-site context : identifying improvement potential through a qualitative study. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 26th International EurOMA Conference 2019 "Operations adding value to society", 17.-19.06.2019, Helsinki, Finland.

Alejandro Estrada‐Moreno, Christian Fikar, Angel A. Juan, Patrick Hirsch: A biased‐randomized algorithm for redistribution of perishable food inventories in supermarket chains. In: International Transactions in Operational Research, 26 (2019). - S. 2077-2095.

Jana Voegl, Christian Fikar, Patrick Hirsch, Manfred Gronalt: A simulation study to evaluate economic and environmental effects of different unloading infrastructure in an urban retail street. In: Computers & Industrial Engineering, 137 (2019). - .


Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Involving subcontractors in continually improving performance in industrialised housebuilding. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 34th ARCOM Conference, 03.-05.09.2018, Belfast, UK.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: The contribution of subcontractor involvement in continuous improvement programs for industrialised housebuilding. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 25th International EurOMA Conference 2018 "To Serve, to Produce and to Servitize in the Era of Networks, Big Data, and Analytics", 24.-26.06.2018, Budapest, Hungary.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: DES and CI of prefab housebuilding on-site processes. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 2nd Symposium on Operations Management in Wood Products Industries, 17.05.2018, Vienna, Austria.

Adrian Serrano-Hernandez, Javier Faulin, Patrick Hirsch, Christian Fikar: Agent-based simulation for horizontal cooperation in logistics and transportation : From the individual to the grand coalition. In: Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 85 (2018). - S. 47-59.

Christian Fikar, Patrick Hirsch, Pamela C. Nolz: Agent-based simulation optimization for dynamic disaster relief distribution. In: Central European Journal of Operations Research, 26 (2018). - S. 423-442.

Christian Fikar, Patrick Hirsch, Manfred Gronalt: A decision support system to investigate dynamic last-mile distribution facilitating cargo-bikes. In: International Journal of Logistics : Research and Applications, 21 (2018). - S. 300-317.

Christian Fikar: A decision support system to investigate food losses in e-grocery deliveries. In: Computers & Industrial Engineering, 117 (2018). - S. 282-290.

Christian Fikar, Patrick Hirsch: Evaluation of trip and car sharing concepts for home health care services. In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 30 (2018). - S. 78-97.

Adrian Serrano-Hernandez, Jesús M. Pintor, Javier Faulin, Christian Fikar, Irantzu Alegria, Pablo Astiz: Practice Summary : Deriving the Optimal Location of a Biorefinery in Northern Spain. In: Interfaces : The INFORMS Journal on the Practice of Operations, 48 (2018). - S. 596-600.

Adrian Serrano-Hernandez, Patrick Hirsch, Javier Faulin, Christian Fikar: The role of horizontal cooperation to improve service quality in last-mile distribution. In: International Journal of Simulation & Process Modelling, 13 (2018). - S. 299.


Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Continuous improvement at on-site assembly in industrialised housebuilding. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 24th International EurOMA Conference "Inspiring Operations Management", 01.-05.07.2017, Edinburgh, UK.

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Enabling rapid prefab construction : a continuous improvement approach. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: IUFRO Division 5 Conference, 12.-16.06.2017, Vancouver, Canada.

Christian Fikar, Patrick Hirsch: Home health care routing and scheduling : A review. In: Computers & Operations Research, 77 (2017). - S. 86-95.

Aljoscha Gruler, Christian Fikar, Angel A. Juan, Patrick Hirsch, Carlos Contreras-Bolton: Supporting multi-depot and stochastic waste collection management in clustered urban areas via simulation–optimization. In: Journal of Simulation, 11 (2017). - S. 11-19.


Wolfgang Grenzfurtner, Manfred Gronalt: Application of failure mode and effects analysis in the industrial housebuilding industry. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), 22.-25.08.2016, Vienna, Austria.

Christian Fikar, Manfred Gronalt, Patrick Hirsch: A decision support system for coordinated disaster relief distribution. In: Expert Systems with Applications, 57 (2016). - S. 104-116.

Christian Fikar, Angel A. Juan, Enoc Martinez, Patrick Hirsch: A discrete-event driven metaheuristic for dynamic home service routing with synchronised trip sharing. In: European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 10 (2016). - S. 323-340.

Christian Fikar, Patrick Hirsch, Martin Posset, Manfred Gronalt: Impact of transalpine rail network disruptions : A study of the Brenner Pass. In: Journal of Transport Geography, 54 (2016). - S. 122-131.

Romana Berariu, Christian Fikar, Manfred Gronalt, Patrick Hirsch: Resource deployment under consideration of conflicting needs in times of river floods. In: Disaster Prevention and Management, 25 (2016). - S. 649-663.

Romana Berariu, Christian Fikar, Manfred Gronalt, Patrick Hirsch: Training decision-makers in flood response with system dynamics. In: Disaster Prevention and Management, 25 (2016). - S. 118-136.


Manfred Gronalt, Wolfgang Grenzfurtner: User experience (UX) and product development process in the prefabricated housing industry. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: 22nd International EurOMA Conference 2015 "Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness", 26.06. - 01.07.2015, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

Christian Fikar, Patrick Hirsch: A matheuristic for routing real-world home service transport systems facilitating walking. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 105 (2015). - S. 300-310.

Romana Berariu, Christian Fikar, Manfred Gronalt, Patrick Hirsch: Understanding the impact of cascade effects of natural disasters on disaster relief operations. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 12 (2015). - S. 350-356.

CFI PB300891 Kopie square

Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit
Food Supply Chain Management

Christian Fikar

Fritz-Hornschuch-Straße 13
95326 Kulmbach

Telefon: +49 9221 / 407 1100
E-Mail: christian.fikar@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: christianfikar.com
Google Scholar: Google Scholar

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Univ.Prof.Dr. Christian Fikar

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